Sophie. Rhodesian Ridgebacks in St. Petersburg
Sophie. Rhodesian Ridgebacks in St. Petersburg
Sophie. Rhodesian Ridgebacks in St. Petersburg
Sophie. Rhodesian Ridgebacks in St. Petersburg
Sophie. Rhodesian Ridgebacks in St. Petersburg
Sophie. Rhodesian Ridgebacks in St. Petersburg

Aresvuma Saffi Jamali Narayzi

Russian Champion

RKF Champion 

 Russian Champion

Breed Junior Champion

Russian Junior Grand Champion

RKF Junior Champion 

(CH Incredible Art Bright Win & CH Aresvuma Juzi Funda)

When Sophie was born, it was impossible not to fall in love with her! She was very different from all the puppies with her bright, rich color and the quality of her dense velor coat, and it also became clear that she had the coolest character! And she stayed with us. The girl grew up very feminine, obedient and affectionate. Now she is a young, strong, beautiful bitch, with bewitching movements, balanced temperament, cunning and intelligent, like a real Rhodesian Ridgeback bitch.

Sophie. Rhodesian Ridgebacks in St. Petersburg
Sophie. Rhodesian Ridgebacks in St. Petersburg
Sophie. Rhodesian Ridgebacks in St. Petersburg
Sophie. Rhodesian Ridgebacks in St. Petersburg

Sophie’s health

Health tests results:

  • Mycological epilepsy JME N/N — healthy, not a mutation carrier
  •  Degenerative myelopathy DM N/N — healthy, not a mutation carrier 
  • Hyperuricosuria N/N — healthy, not a mutation carrier 
  • Malignant hyperthermia N/N — healthy, not a mutation carrier 
  • Exercise-induced collapse (EIC) — N/N is healthy, does not carry mutations 
  • Hemophilia B — N/N — healthy, does not carry mutations 
  • Blue gene D locus D/D — not a carrier of the alley of weakening color 
  • Brown gene B locus B/B — not a carrier of the alley of recessive brown color N/N 
  • Agouti color ay/ ay — homozygous for the sable color alley
  • Gene responsible for the presence of Ridge Ridge disposition R/r
  • Full dental formula Full dentition, scissor bite